Amiga Emulator FAQ
Updated 9 January
Amiga Emulator Downloads
Languages: English, Français , Deutsch , Italiano
1. Emulator Programs
WinUAE for Windows or WINE
Current version is 5.3.1 (22.10.2024)
Beta: English
Amiga Board
Download: WinUAE , PPC Plugin , Debugger
Install instructions .
WinUAE Help file
Current version is 3.0.9 (26.8.2024)
Download: WinUAE Help
Build Winuae Help: HTML Help Workshop from Winuae code at GitHub
Amikit XE
Version: 12.7 (PC, Mac, Linux and Raspberry Pi)
Web site:
Accelerators: PiStorm
AmigaForever Essentials for Android
Current version is 1.07
AF Essentials:
UAE4Droid :
Droid4All2 :
Raspberry Pi UAE
Amikit for Pi: Download Amikit XE
PiUAE: Raspberry Pi site:
Download: Pi UAE
FS-UAE (Fengestad UAE)
Current version is 3.1.66 (19-12-2021)
Download: FS-UAE for Windows , FS-UAE for Macintosh or FS-UAE for Linux
Current version is 2.8.1b1
Amigrave PUAE:
Old Website:
Download: Source , OS X bin
vAmiga (iPad, iPhone)
Current Version: 1.0
Amiga emulator for DOS
Version 0.75d
Web page: DOS UAE FAQ
Download: DOS UAE
myUAE for Palm
Amiga emulator for Palm OS 5 or later
Version: 0.91
Download: myUAE
UAE for Wii
Amiga emulator for Nintendo Wii
Version: 9
Download: UAE for Wii
UAE for Playstation2
Amiga emulator for Playstation 2 console
Version: 0.8.25
Download: UAE for PS2
UAE for Sega Dreamcast and Dingoo
Version: RC3
Download: Sega UAE
UAE for Sony Vita or Switch
Version: 1.96
Download: uae4all2
UAE for Microsoft X-Box
Version: 0.81
Download: UAEX
Version: 0.5.2
Frontend for Mac OS X E-UAE
Download: Hi-Torro
Version: 0.5.8
Download: WinFellow
AROS (AROS Research OS)
AmigaOS for x86 systems.
Website: , GitHub .
Aros Vision 68k: Aros Vision on Facebook
Aros One:
Power PC and ARM Emulators
SoftPear Website:
QEmu Website:
ChipTune Workbench Simulator
Website: Chiptune
Morphos for AmigaOne 500, X5000, Power Macs G4 or G5, Genesi.
Download from
2. Amiga Forever DVD or Online Edition
Amiga Forever is a complete Amiga emulation package for DOS, Windows, Mac,
Linux or Android systems which includes the files
needed to run AmigaOS, applications and games and comes in the following Editions:
The cheapest is the Value Edition
for as little as 9.95 EUR and 95 MB, which includes Kickstart and Workbench
1.3 and 3.x,
an easy setup menu system, KX Light, Gallery, Amiga Explorer, Personal Paint and the Windows Emulator program.
Next up is the Plus Edition
, 29.95 EUR, which includes all the Kickstarts and Workbenchs, plus 100s of
games and demos and gallery to try, KX Light and a bootable Plus CD.
Finally, the Premium DVD
(49.95 EUR) version also includes some popular Amiga Software, a complete Workbench
hard disk setup including latest Kickstart,
Workbench 3.9, PPaint, MPEG videos of Jay Miner's speech, Commodore launch and
the Deathbed Vigil (last days of Commodore), Amiga
Explorer network
program plus 100s of games and demos to try.
To check it out and get your copy visit Amiga
Forever . For a local store visit AmigaKit
(UK), AmigaKit (US) AmigaKit (EU), and Cloanto
History of the Amiga video
was donated to Cloanto by myself from a 1992 video by Devware Inc.
3. Workbench Install disk
UAE Bench
Version 6.0
Free cutdown Workbench for Amiga emulators
UAE Install
Version 1.2
Hard disk installation tools for AmigaOS
4. Disk Copying, Installing and Network transfer software
Download ADF Blitzer program for reading
and writing ADF images using a graphical frontend.
Download ADFRead from for
copying Amiga disks to PC disks using Windows NT/2000/XP.
To transfer files, between PC/Mac/Amiga, try the Easy
ADF with a PCMCIA Adapter from Amikit.
Download Cloanto's Amiga Explorer
for network transfer between PC and Amiga. No software is required on the Amiga side.
Download Disk2FDI program
which will read Amiga Disks and write it to a FDI format image for use with Winuae.
(Two floppy drives required).
Download NComm or Term terminal emulators for Amiga file transfers over serial network.
Download MSH
to read and write PC disks on your Amiga (Workbench 2).
Download WarTrans for
network which works with AmigaBasic and a terminal program on the PC side.
Download WHDLoad for installating games
and programs from floppy disk to hard disk.
Download RunADF
for running OCS/ECS game on AmigaOS 4 .
Download WHDLoad
to UAE tool for running games from AmigaOS 4.
Download glUAE
to run classic Amiga software on AmigaOS 4.
Download EasyUAE to provide a useful GUI frontend for E-UAE on AmigaOS 4.
Download RunInUAE for another GUI frontend for E-UAE on AmigaOS 4.
5. Software for Amiga
Aminet (Ger.) , Aminet
US and OS4Depot have the biggest collection of software which includes loads of utilities,
demos, drivers, pictures, MODs and games
which are freely available. You will need the LHA program from the util/arc folder to extract
the archives.
Software Package Add ons. There are loads of dedicated web sites with games,
utilities and other files to run on your Amiga. For add on software for Winuae
visit Amikit , AfA or AmigaSYS .
Also, try the Green Amiga Alien Guide . For more
Amiga sites visit my Misc Links .
For Games, try Alinea , AmigaStore , EmuParadise , MyAbandonware , GamesCoffer , Amiga Land ,
AMI Sector One ,
HOL , Hyperion , Planet
Emulation and S.P.S . Also, try Factor 5 , Vulcan , Cinemaware , Sodan , Llamasoft and FreeCiv . More news and links at AmigaFlame and Amiga-News .
Retailers. Visit Alinea , Amigakit , myAmigaShop , Fore-matt , PageStream , AirSoft , APC-TCP , Vesalia .
More dealers can be found at AmigaWorld .
Commerical and shareware software: SASG
(MUI) , DiscreetFX , Digital
Universe , Hollywood , PPaint , Alinea (StormC, AmigaWriter, Pagestream, ArtEffect), CygnusEd , EasyADF , EasyNetPro , EAB Zone! .
Web Browsers: AWeb , IBrowse , Netsurf (AmigaOS 4) , Netsurf 68k , OWB , Odyssey , Timberwolf .
Open Source/Free. There is plenty of open source or free amiga software.
For example:YAM ,
JAmiga , Video
Toaster , Basilisk II , AmIDE , EaglePlayer ,
Jabber , Scout ,
AmigaAMP , VBCC,
MUI Base , Odyssey Web Browser , Github , etc
Other Emulators. For Macintosh try Shapeshifter
, Basilisk or Fusion . For 8 bit Commodore
machines such as the Pet, Vic 20 and C64 try C64 Forever .
For the
ZX Spectrum try ZXAM etc. For other platforms try MAME .
For PC try PC-Task , PCx or DOS Box .
Development. Amiga Developer CD , VBCC , Hollywood and Amiga OS 4 SDK files.
Amiga Unix. Amiga UNIX , Linux/m68k , Linux Apus (PPC) , NetBSD , Minix , Debian , AmiCgynix , AmigaOne Linux .
Other operating systems: Morphos , Apollo OS , ProDAD p.OS , freeMint .
6. Hardware for Amiga/PC
Classic Amiga Hardware
Amiga Hardware
Big Book of Amiga Hardware
Ebay - Amiga H/W for sale
Catweasel Mk 4 Plus
Floppy controller for PC to read/write multiple disk formats including
Amiga 880K/1760K disks.
Amiga A500 type computer with 68000, Kick rom, MMC card, VGA slot, Mouse/Joystick
Vesalia or ACube Systems
Sam 460cr
Amiga Sam computer with PowerPC 460EX, 3 PCI expansion slots, 7 USB, GB ethernet, 4 boot media etc
ACube Systems
A-Eon X1000 Nemo
Amiga X1000 motherboard with PA Semi Dual-core PA6T-1682M, PowerISA, 4x RAM slots, 10 USB 2, PCIe, GB network, RS232, SATA.
A-Eon X5000 Cyrus+
Amiga X5000 computer with 64 bit PowerPC dual-core 2.00 GHz CPU.
A-EON or A-Eon on Facebook
X5000 information
X5000 resellers
Apollo V4+ Standalone and Accelerator cards
A 68080 AMMX Amiga-compatible computer with Apollo OS from EUR 679
Firebird V4 accelerator for A500, A1000 and A2000 from EUR 599.
Apollo IceDrake accelerator for A1200 from EUR 599.
Apollo Manticore for Amiga A600 from EUR 599.
A-Eon A1222 Plus
Amiga A1222 1.3 motherboard with P1022 1.2GHz PPC dual-core processor, 4 or 8GB 64 bit DDR3 SODIMM, RS232, PCI x16 PCIe, 2 x SATA 2.6 controllers, HDMI 1.3 , 4 x USB, 2 x Gb Ethernet, I2S Digital Audio, DVI, GOPOs, Micro SD for UBoot for EUR 1199 (1599 for complete system).
Blogspot preview of A1222
A-Eon on Facebook
Trevor's Blog
A1222 Quickstart Guide
Now out 07/03/2024 from AmigaKit
PiStorm Accelerator
Raspberry Pi processor accelerator for Amiga 500, 600, 1200, and can be used with Amikit to run AmigaOS!
Game system and classic 68K compatible computer running Amibench desktop.
Coming soon: A1200NG picture released.
New Amigas (Power PC and AmigaOS 4.1)
7. Archivers for Amiga/PC
Download MUIUnArc (requires MUI) for Archiving needs on Amiga.
Download lha for
lha and lzh archives on Amiga (self-extracting).
Download DMS for
diskmasher images on Amiga (self-extracting).
Download lzx for
lzx archives on Amiga.
Download Archivers for Amiga for other formats.
Download 7-Zip for PC or Amiga to unarchive ZIP, LHA, LZX, GZIP etc archives.
Download UnRAR for
RAR files on Amiga.
Download ZunZip for ZIP files on Amiga OS4.
Download Zip and Unzip for Amiga.
Download Stuffit
Deluxe or Expander for Macs or PCs.
8. Languages and other files for Amiga Emulator (any version)
9. Information, documentation and other things
Amiga History from 1982 to present day.
For hardware information, see the Big
Book of Amiga Hardware , Amiga Schematics , Amiga Hardware .
For game information, see the Obligement , Hall of Light , LemonAmiga and the Amiga Games that Weren't database.
For old software, see DPaint history.
Old Amiga firms: Eyetech , Gold Disk Inc, Hisoft Systems , NewTek , Scala , Softwood .
For Amiga OS 4.1 FAQ, see My
AmigaOS 4.1 FAQ .
For Amiga OS 3.9 FAQ, see Official
AmigaOS 3.9 FAQ .
For Amiga OS 3.5 FAQ, see Unofficial AmigaOS 3.5 FAQ .
For Amiga OS 3.2 FAQ, see AmigaOS 3.2 F.A.Q.
For Amiga history and famous uses, see Famous
Amiga Uses .
For Amiga Music collections see Amiga
Music Collection .
For Fun stuff, try ChipTune website.
For Amiga development, see my Programming page.
For hardware and repair, see manuals from .
For Amiga Magazines, see Commodore (Amiga) magazine , Amiga Future archives.
For Magazine coverdisks, see Amiga Format disks.
For manuals, see Commodore Amiga Manuals .
Access to archived web pages: Freiburg Linux UAE , Amiga University .
Videos, see See latest Viva Amiga Extended Remix video on
Books and video, See David Pleasance's 'Commodore, the Inside Story ' and Vulture to Vampires .
10. Installation Instructions
11. Linux and Macintosh FAQs
12. Winuae, Amiga Explorer FAQs
13. AmigaOS Reference information
14. Commodore PET, VIC 20, C64 etc
If you have a question about Winuae or Amiga related, then please
Email me.
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