Windows Guide |
Windows includes CD, DVD or Blu-Ray Burning facilities included in Windows Explorer and Windows Media Player. To use this facility you need to have a CD-R/RW drive and enable the CD Recording function:
1. Start, Programs, Accessories
2. Open Windows Explorer
3. Click on your CD or DVD or BD-R/RW drive icon and select Properties
4. Click on the Recording tab
5. Tick Enable CD Recording on this drive.
6. If the Recording button is not available then check that it is a CDR/RW
drive. If it is then you need to apply a registry fix to get Windows to recognise
the drive/
a) Load Regedit
b) Locate this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CD
c) Locate the Volume GUID for the drive.
d) Change the value for IsImapiDataBurnSupport to a 1.
7. To record data files to a disc, insert a blank disc in to the drive (formatting
is not necessary), double click on the drive.
8. A prompt will appear on how to use this disc:
a) Like a USB flash drive. This is the optical Read-Write options where you can add, edit or remove files from the disc. The disc will be formatted.
b) With a CD/DVD player. This will make the files permanent, useful for archiving or some backups and can be read on any other computer.
9. Open My Computer or Explorer and double click on your CD,DVD or BD R/RW drive to open
a window.
10. Copy the files from your computer or wherever in to the this window.
Files will shown as shortcuts:
10. Copying files to disc will take longer than copying to Hard disc, USB or other media.
11. When done, eject the disc.
If you wish to record music tracks to CD, then use Windows Media Player (Legacy) utility:
1. Open Windows Media Player (Legacy)
2. Click on Media Player and make sure your music is shown. If not use Tools,
Search for Media Files to locate music files.
3. Optionally, create a Playlist and drag any music from the Music list to be burnt to disc.
4. Insert a blank CD and click on Burn icon at the top right.
5. Drag the music into a list below the blank disc icon.
6. Click on Start Burn.
Note that the new Media Player app does not have the Burn to disc feature.
Additional information:
- If you wish to copy Discs then you need third party software. Otherwise you
must copy the files from CD to disk first and then burn them to CD.