Programming AmigaOS in C

7. How to add and use third party MUI add-ons

As well as the built in objects and functions, you can expand the MUI interface with third party add-ons or libraries. You can view installed add-ons using the MUI Preferences program.

To install additional add-ons, you need to copy the third party library files to the MUI:Libs/Mui folder. For example, the BetterString addon has three library files:


To use these new libraries in your programs, you also need the header files (.h) copied to the Include/MUI folder for your C compiler. For example, if using SAS C, copy them to SC:Include/MUI. If using Storm C, copy them to the StormC/Include/MUI folder.


Some autodoc text files are also provided, so they should be copied to the MUI\Developer\Autodocs folder for access when you need to read them when developing programs.


In your C program, you need to include the header files at the start and then you can create a BetterString object for your MUI Interface, like this:

#include <mui/BetterString_mcc.h>
#include <mui/HotkeyString_mcc.h>
app = ApplicationObject,
 MUIA_Application_Title, "A MUI Window",
 MUIA_Application_Version, "$VER: Window 41.0 (11.04.10)",
SubWindow, window = WindowObject,
... /* Create a string gadget using BetterString */
Child, button = BetterStringObject,

8. Useful MUI Links

SASG. Home of MUI.
Aminet MUI add-ons and related software.
Better String class project site.
NList classes project site.
TextEditor class project site.
TheBar class project site.

Amiga C Compilers - SAS/C

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