Top Utilities for Mac OS


Name of Utility Description
Avast! Antivirus software
AVG Free Antivirus software
Bootcamp Bootcamp drivers and information
Clonezilla Disk cloning tool
Creative Suite Adobe Creative Cloud tool
CrossOver Emulator for Windows apps, hames
DivX Multimedia player
FileZilla File Transfer tool
Firefox Web browser
Gimp GNU Image Manipulator
Google Chrome Web browser
GParted Disk partitioning tool
Handbrake Video converter tool
Homebrew Package manager
JAMF Pro Professionl Deployment solution
Kodi Media center for music, movies and TV
Komodo Edit HTML and XML Editor
LibreOffice Free office software
LunaScape Web browser
Mac OS Server Mac OS Server
Microsoft Edge Microsoft latest browser
Netbeans Java IDE tool
OpenJDK Open Java development kit
OpenOffice Free Office software
Opera Web browser
Pacifist Disk, archive and package de-archiver
Pure Basic BASIC language for Mac
Python3 Python v3 for MacOS
QEmu Emulation software (see UMT)
Retrospect Professional Backup software
rEFInd Boot Manager
SeaMonkey Browser and web editor
Sheepshaver Classic Mac emulator
SRWare Iron Web browser
Steam Steam game client
Stuff It Stuff It archiving tools
Thunderbird E-mail Client
Tinker tool Hidden settings for Mac OS
Unity3D Full graphics and game development tool
UTM Virtualisation for Mac OS Big Sur
Visual Studio Code Visual Studio development tools
VirtualBox Virtual Machine Emulator
VLC Player Media player.
VMWare Fusion Fusion virtualisation tool
XCode Mac Development tools: Obj C, Swift
XQuartz X11 Windows tool

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