Guide to System Preferences

Language and Region Preferences

Use these settings to change localised settings for language, region and other settings.


Preferred Languages. List of preferred language(s) to use. To default one is set as 'Primary'. Use +/- buttons to add or remove languages

Region. The region or country the user is located in.

First day of week. Sets which day of the week is first. E.g. Sunday or Monday.

Calendar. Sets the type of Calendar to use. E.g. Gregorian.

Time Format. Sets whether to use 12-hour (0:00 to 12:00 am/pm) or 24-hour format (0:00-23:00).

Temperature. Sets default temperature scale to use. Fahrenheit or Centigrade


A list of applications which are set with language other than the default one.
Use the +/- buttons to add or remove apps from the list.

Language pop-up menu. Select a language from this list.

Keyboard preferences. Add or remove input sources and set options.

Advanced. Set how date and times are displayed.